Cultural Activities
Cultural activities are an integral part of Sacred Heart School. These Activities are an inseparable part of the entire academic structure. Every session ensures a good number of such activities for the all-round development of the students. These activities demonstrate the stature of a child outside the classroom and provides an opportunity to showcase their creativity, leadership skills, talents and community involvement. They provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply their minds, to learn values like teamwork, individual and group responsibilities, endurance, competition, diversity and a sense of culture and community.
Time and again numerous cultural activities are organized under the able guidance of in- charge Teachers. Activities ranging from Art, Dancing, Singing, Go-As-you-like, creative writing, Spelt bee, Mono-Acting, Flower Decoration, Quiz, Debate, Extempore Speech, Rangoli Making, Poster Making and Various Sports Activities are conducted every year. The zeal of the Students is extraordinary during the days of such activities .They are witnessed to enjoy each and every moment of such days.

Keeping these ideals in focus Sacred Heart School Mazgaon organized various cultural activities in spite of the Pandemic (year 2019-2022) hitting hard and keeping the School premises locked for quiet sometime. The school organized various such activities online where the participation of students was overwhelming. Inter house competition like Drawing, Recitation, and Dance, Creative writing were conducted to keep the children productively busy during such trying times. The students from junior school to senior school took active part in making each of these competitions a success. Though they remained confined to their homes yet they were eager participants in the activities offered by the School. The students’ enthusiasm and zeal has been highly appreciated by the school fraternity during such critical times as well. The involvement of the students is motivation enough that nothing can stop the flow of good work and no pandemic can keep them back from exploring their potentials.